Sunday, May 26, 2013

Getting one's point across

Sometimes, an appropriate hand gesture can be very effective in presentations.

Agents of reaction

From left to right: myself, Tim Ahern, Alex Zaks. Tim and Alex were enzymologists together at MIT in days of yore. Using his knowledge of enzymes, Alex has recently developed a carbon-scrubbing technology. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Concord River scene

"By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to April's breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood 
And fired the shot heard round the world"

R.W. Emerson

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Finnegans Wake Reading Group

A Finnegans Wake reading group meets in Alston. They are now reading Part II, Chapter 2, which is considered by some to be the most difficult section of the book.

The Ubiquitous Tarte Tatin

A perennial favorite. I frequently make it with pears because there are few people in the world who will complain about pear-flavored caramel sauce.

Friday, May 17, 2013

It's all good

This is a picture of Tim and myself either witnessing the Second Coming or a UFO landing, I forget which.

Dishing out the 田楽

Here I am preparing a nice dish of 茄子の田楽 (Nasu no dengaku---Eggplant with white miso sauce) for dinner at Tim and Molly's house in Littleton, Ma. Standing to the right of me is their neighbor and dinner guest Yoko, originally from Japan. Is it my imagination or does she look worried?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

山菜料理 ("Edible wild plant cooking") in Littleton

My friend Tim and I prepared some nice 蕨の胡麻和え (warabi no gomaae---bracken fern in sesame sauce). Here I am getting ready for presentation.
If you insist on eating bracken fern, be sure to parboil it for 3 minutes or you could get sick.

Acton Jazz Cafe

Sitting in on tumbadoras at a jam session at the Acton Jazz Cafe in Acton, MA.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Breakfast on Long Lake

Here I am seated in Tim's 月見船 (tsukimibune---"moon-viewing boat") which he built with his own hands. Rumor has it that Tim and Molly cruise the lake serving 一品料理 (ippin ryori---sometimes translated as "a la carte dishes") to their neighbors. The lake is host to wildlife such as geese, ducks, swans and beaver who presumably are not served.